[El Salvador government proposes to include Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in its investment banking industry] Golden Finance reported that the government of El Salvador has proposed an initiative to accelerate the inclusion of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in its investment banking industry. The banking law reform submitted to the National Congress will allow private investors to form banks to provide Bitcoin and stablecoin services to sophisticated investors. If passed, the initiative will allow the creation of these banks that can provide different services, including economic risk management, financial product purchases, investment management, hedging and other financial derivatives. These services will support any legal currency in El Salvador, such as the US dollar and Bitcoin. In addition, the bill explicitly supports stablecoin-based instruments, opening the door to crypto-based investment tools. Despite this, the requirements for establishing a private investment bank are still high: these companies must have $50 million in capital at the time of incorporation. In addition, these banks will not serve all Salvadorans because their services will focus on "professional investors." These people must prove that they have assets of at least $250,000 and pass a knowledge test for the bank, or prove that they have assets of $500,000.