🔥Good news! dYdX v4 is now available on iOS and Android platforms! 🔥Odaily Planet Daily reported that dYdX issued a statement on the X platform, announcing that its latest version dYdX v4 is now available on iOS and Android platforms. 🎉🎉

As a decentralized financial (DeFi) protocol, dYdX has always been warmly welcomed by the market for its innovative and user-friendly features. The launch of dYdX v4 will undoubtedly bring users a more convenient operation experience. 👏👏

I am optimistic about Bitcoin, but I remain neutral about the entire market. Although the market is full of uncertainty, I believe that as long as we keep up with industry trends and invest rationally, the future blockchain world must be full of infinite possibilities! 💪💪

Please continue to pay attention to the global regulatory trends, industry trends, and cryptocurrency news of blockchain. Let us witness the development and transformation of blockchain together! 🚀🚀