Four quadrants of life | Four dimensions determine your life

1. I am not good, you are good - people with low self-esteem

This type of people encounter many family influences, have been suppressed since childhood, and have been criticized and belittled by their parents.

As a result, they have no confidence in themselves when they grow up, dare not bravely ask their superiors and bosses, have no courage for themselves, dare not deal with conflicts with colleagues directly, etc.


2. I am good, you are not good - people who have bad relationships with others

I have also met people with tense interpersonal relationships and bad tempers. Because I constantly accepted my parents' bad emotions when I was a child, I became a container of my parents' emotions. When I grew up, I also learned this violent method, always thinking that I was right and others were wrong.

Therefore, I am picky about others, making people feel proud and conceited.


3. I am not good, you are not good - there is no hope in this world, and life has no meaning

In this quadrant, it is very likely that depression will occur. It is very likely that the separation anxiety and abandonment brought by the family when I was a child formed this feeling of hunger.

Because I cannot experience value and love, I cannot see or generate any positive emotions. Especially those who are cheerful and sunny on the surface, in their eyes, the world is black and white. The so-called "sunshine depression"


4. You are good, I am good too - the most ideal self

Through the nourishment of parents or acquired psychological counseling, we have achieved comprehensive spiritual development and are full of energy.

I thought that the world shines and we are responsible for ourselves. This is the self-worth we really want.


Everyone is in different quadrants at different stages

It is necessary to point out that the state of a person is fluid and dynamic. Perhaps today, the self in childhood is "I am good, you are not good", but when I grow up, it becomes "You are good, I am not good".

I hope everyone will switch to the mode of "You are good, I am good too"

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