Daily interactive homework of the prophet: June 16

Ethereum gas has dropped to 2, the lowest in history! Share a few tasks and information to watch today


New tasks are available, let's do it, let's see who is lucky enough to earn 1,000 arbs, I didn't get anything https://nfq.thebeacon.gg/?referral=Crypto_He…

2️⃣Faracaster, which has raised a total of 180 million US dollars, has issued NFTs on Zora. You can play it and be active in Zora and Base https://zora.co/collect/zora:0xc86340bf9b348e83b655b0b4762c11e247eda7b5/1?referrer=0xbD29cE5eC7CeB4bDB219B9B8Bfd08581c8A82b7f…

3️⃣See the picture for the answer to the TG mini-game today. Just keep upgrading. It is said that there are coins

4️⃣Modular AI Layer 1 OG, which raised 35 million US dollars Galaxy New Mission https://app.galxe.com/quest/0Glabs/GCet3tduMu…

5️⃣Cyber ​​Season 2 Airdrop Rewards https://cyber.co/season-2-rewards…

6️⃣Zircuit Contribution Ceremony Participate https://zircuit.com/blog/zircuit-kzg-ceremony…

7️⃣Binance Megadrop Phase 2 LSDfi Project Lista DAO June 20th Airdrop


8️⃣The Most Rational $zk#zksyncAirdrop Rules Review on the Whole Network https://x.com/AirdropCatCom/status/1801996292950053235…

9️⃣Linea Tutorial on how to get a 24-point minimum living allowance number


🔟Scroll + StakeStone multi-eating operation ideas

Participate in official activities to earn points. There are two modules to earn points: deposit funds and on-chain handling fees. Deposit through StakeStone


Scroll points query: https://scroll.io/sessions

Stone points query: https://carnival.stakestone.io/r?code=57E75