Happycoin.club - On June 14, the Bank for International Settlements published a report entitled “Embracing Diversity and Advancing Together – Results of the 2023 Survey on Central Bank Digital Currencies and Cryptocurrencies.”

The study collected information from central banks in 86 countries regarding their participation in CBDC projects and cryptocurrency initiatives.

Ninety-four percent of central banks surveyed are exploring the concept of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The survey found that central banks are doing so at their own pace, taking different approaches and exploring different design features.

Overall, the current likelihood of central banks issuing wholesale CBDCs over the next six years exceeds the likelihood of issuing retail CBDCs, the researchers note.

Wholesale CBDCs are viewed primarily from an interoperability and programmability perspective; Retail CBDCs, in turn, are rated on both interoperability, storage limits, offline capabilities, and interest yield.

The study found that today stablecoins are rarely used for payments outside the crypto ecosystem. In addition, approximately two out of three respondents have or are working on a system for regulating stablecoins and other crypto assets.