📢📢Blockchain news! Odaily Planet Daily reported that the Telegram game project Notcoin released an announcement on the X platform, and the airdrop collection activity will end on June 16. 😱😱

Players, pay attention! You need to claim your Notcoin before today. 🕒🕒If you see the "OK" hand gesture emoji in the Notcoin app, it means that you have successfully claimed the token. 👌👌If you have already staked, then there is no need to worry.

The good news is that staked users can get their level for free next month, and new users will be able to get a higher level next week. 🎉🎉This is a great opportunity, don't miss it! 🚀🚀

In the blockchain industry, Bitcoin has a bright future, and such airdrop activities have also injected new vitality into the development of the blockchain industry. Let us look forward to more good news together! 🙌🙌