**A True Story: The Tale of a Conservative Investor**

🔹 **Five Years Ago**: My classmate earned over 10 million yuan.

🔹 **Investment Choice**: Instead of buying a house, speculating in stocks, or investing in financial products, he deposited all the funds in a commercial bank, withdrawing and redepositing the interest annually.

🔹 **The Return**: With a 3% annualized return, he earns only 300,000 yuan in interest per year.

🔹 **My Concern**: While this method is stable, it might not keep up with inflation.

🔹 **My Advice**: I suggested investing in stocks or stock funds for higher returns, emphasizing historically stable blue-chip stocks or well-known stock funds to diversify risks.

🔹 **His Response**: He admitted a lack of investment knowledge and experience, preferring not to risk his principal.

🔹 **Reflection**: Sometimes, being overly cautious can prevent greater financial growth. His 10 million yuan might not achieve its full potential with such a conservative approach.

🔹 **Your Thoughts?**: Do you agree with my perspective, or do you think my friend's approach is wiser? Everyone has different understandings, leading to diverse investment directions. What's your take?

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