The weekend is a good day. It is drizzling outside today. The hot weather for several days has been relieved a little today, which seems to be a cool gift for fathers!

BTC/ETH is stable on the weekend, with little fluctuation. As I said yesterday, ETH is slightly stronger than BTC this weekend!

The rebound target given by ETH is 3600±20. It rushed to 3595 at around 23:15 last night, perfectly hitting the target range!

So far, BTC and ETH have completed the high point construction within 24-48 hours. Today's intraday fluctuations and the high point of the weekend are not big. If the market is still forced to increase in the early morning of today and tomorrow, we can expect a small rebound expectation to start on Monday evening, which will complete all the unfinished expectations!

Continue to pay attention to the second step. The BTC/ETH points given yesterday (BTC points are 65200-65600/64800, ETH is 3500±10/3450±15) can still be referenced once!

The copycat does not make any pattern, and it is to run away when it makes money. At this stage, unless the pattern is more than half a year, do not enter with a heavy position, and it is only suitable for batch fixed investment!

Believe me, at this moment, you may feel that the ups and downs of the market are particularly painful. If you pull it back for a year, you will find that your operations today are just babbling at sea level! Whether the big expectations, long-term and large cycles can turn around depends on how thick you are and how deep you can bear, and how fierce the rebound will be!

#币安合约锦标赛 #欧洲杯开赛 $BTC