Interesting option. The coin is at its 2020 low. And everyone is silent. I don’t have a big budget, I’ll allocate $50 to start. and then we'll see what happens next. This is a long-term purchase and I don't plan to sell in a month. I plan to buy a little at a time

A little about this project:

Curve DAO Token (CRV) is a decentralized exchange platform (DEX) that allows users to trade stablecoins with low fees and minimal slippage. CRV is the native token of the platform and is used to govern the protocol and receive rewards for participating in liquidity pools

1.Decentralization: Curve DAO is a decentralized platform, which means that it is not controlled by any central authority

2.Efficiency: Curve DAO uses innovative techniques to ensure low fees and minimal slippage

3.Security: Curve DAO has a censorship-resistant architecture that makes it less susceptible to hacks and attacks

However: the CRVUSDT project also has some risks:

1.Regulation: Cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy and the regulatory framework around them is still evolving