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2. Use X to log in. If X does not meet the requirements, go to DC to ask.

3. The entire activity can be divided into three parts, namely the plot line, the task line, and the level line:

a. Plot line (upper): mainly to understand the content and plot, it is quite interesting to look at it carefully, and the scene design, such as the tavern task, is very good.

b. Task line (middle): mainly used for socializing, and most of the tasks are retweeting and following operations (if you only want to get the whitelist, just complete the middle task line).

c. Level line (lower): mainly experience the game combat content, the difficulty of PVE is moderate, and there are several failures in the middle. The overall play is more enjoyable, and the picture is delicate. 3 small tips: "Tips 1: It is recommended to use the mouse pointer to point to the monster when clearing the level, so that the monster can be located faster"

"Tips 2: In the spider level, right-clicking to charge can quickly kill it. If you really can't beat it, you can run over or not fight it"

"Tips 3: Running and fighting, retreating and attacking at the same time can also ensure clearance"

4. After completing the task, you can get:

a. Medals (DB airdrops, the rarer the medals, the more tokens)

b. Exclusive equipment (NFT)

c. $ARB DB red envelope (up to 1000)

d. Complete the task to gain reputation (the higher the reputation level, the more tokens, and the more tasks you complete, the better)

e. After completing the task, draw the "New Pioneer NFT White List" Mint pass (the higher the reputation level, the greater the chance. With the pass, you can participate in the next two stages of activities and get airdrops) 

5. YH task:

Summary: Anyway, it’s free, try it if you have time, follow and like if you like it. $BTC $BNB #空投埋伏 #空投零噜分享