What should you pay attention to if you are a newcomer to the cryptocurrency circle?

God of Wealth gives a piece of advice to newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle: Don't rush to operate! Learn, learn, and learn again!

As a newcomer in the cryptocurrency circle, it is understandable to hope to make investment profits from cryptocurrency trading, but there are some trading taboos that must be known.

1. Unwilling to study the market yourself

If you only listen to the advice of experts in the crypto market, you may fall a lot. But if you are willing to learn and listen to the advice of experts, you can make better investment decisions on market issues.

2. Emotional investment, emotional investment

02 Let emotions control your trading decisions

Letting emotions decide trading is a common way for newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle. Foreign exchange market experts have proved that emotionality will ruin your entire investment. Do you know that one of the factors that destroy traders' portfolios is "making decisions with emotions"?

Never let emotions dominate your actions.

3. Eager to buy "cheap and unproven" altcoins.

There are all kinds of "hundred-fold coins" recommended every day in WeChat groups and Moments, which is really enviable. Many leeks killed in without a little bit of defense. However, the final result is mostly being harvested.

4. Always worry about missing opportunities.

Every time there is a big rise or fall, I feel itchy and regret not catching up with the opportunity. This emotion often encourages trading that chases ups and downs.

There are new opportunities in the currency circle 24 hours a day. Therefore, relax your mentality and nerves and go into battle lightly.

5. All in your funds.

When speculating in coins, it is very wrong to put all your eggs in one basket. Don't play with debt. Take out part of your idle funds and reasonably allocate your assets.

6. Go your own way and stick to one currency and one trend.

In the currency circle, the experience summarized over the years is four words: follow the trend!

Don't stick to one currency. If the trend is not right, turn around decisively. Don't go against the trend. It's better to be short than to blindly follow the trend.

If this article is helpful to you, you might as well pay attention to the God of Wealth. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the cooking industry and try to enter the circle

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