
Musk may become the largest dealer of Dogecoin?

Hoskinson's revelation sparked heated discussion!

According to Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, on The Thinking Crypto podcast, Elon Musk may hold 20% of the total supply of Dogecoin!

Yes, you heard it right, it is the Musk who often tweets and makes Dogecoin fluctuate wildly!

🐶 This is big news! As a super boss in the technology circle, Musk's every move affects the hearts of countless people. This time, if Hoskinson's revelation is true, then Musk has become the largest dealer of Dogecoin? This is simply a "godfather" level operation in the cryptocurrency circle!

🤔 But then again, Hoskinson also said that this revelation is purely speculation and there is no solid evidence. But even so, this news still sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people exclaimed, "Musk is going to unify the world!" Others joked, "Dogecoin is going to the sky, hurry up and buy it!" 🚀 Speaking of which, the relationship between Musk and Dogecoin can be described as "intricate and confusing". From the initial Twitter interaction to the later public support, Musk seems to have a special liking for this "little dog". And Dogecoin has also set off waves of crazes in the cryptocurrency market with Musk's "carrying goods" ability. 🤑 But then again, if Musk really holds so many Dogecoins, then he is really the "Dogecoin King". But this also makes people wonder: How much impact will the investment decision of a technology giant have on the entire cryptocurrency market? And how should we view this impact? #马斯克的特斯拉只支持狗狗币支付 #doge⚡ $DOGE #狗狗币持续看涨看好飞上月球🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀