Since stop loss can be set, why do so many people still have their positions blown up?

This is actually a very heavy topic. Isn't it said that stop loss can prevent greater losses? Why do some people still have their positions blown up? There are several reasons. Next, I will try to explain my understanding of stop loss from various angles!

It can be seen that the most common way we trade is to bring stop loss after entering the market, set a certain position, and control the loss of a single transaction, thinking that this will prevent ourselves from suffering greater losses.

In my opinion, bringing stop loss will not cause a position blown up instantly, so the final reason for the position blown up is not the reason for stop loss, because you think if you trade heavily, you will blow up sooner or later. This is determined by human nature, because you can't bear the psychological pressure brought by heavy positions, and you can't stop loss or not.

It can be said that if you start trading heavily, your stop loss and stop loss will not be of much help, because this approach is destined to end in a position blown up!

What if it is a light position transaction? Then there is no substantial difference between stop loss and no stop loss. Because you are trading with a light position, you do not need to stop loss continuously, because the tolerance for error of a light position is larger. You can wait until the market really reverses before considering closing the position, instead of constantly stopping loss in the process!

Therefore, stop loss and no stop loss are not the most fundamental reasons for the explosion. The fundamental reason for the explosion is heavy positions, continuous heavy positions, and continuous trading against the trend! If you don’t believe it, you can pull out your account or look at those accounts that have exploded to see what exactly caused the account to explode. In fact, it has nothing to do with stop loss at all, because whether the explosion is not based on whether you stop loss or not, but on your position and your emotions

Whether you can be self-disciplined and have enough self-control!

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