Ambulance drivers were all drafted.

Fighting for the squid tribe, to the last man.

In August 2023, the Ukrainian government and BlackRock signed an agreement to establish the "Ukrainian Development Fund". According to this agreement, BlackRock will take over the energy, mining, infrastructure, power grid, agriculture and other investments still under the control of the Zelensky regime and all state-owned enterprises in Ukraine. In return, the company is responsible for the high debt of the Zelensky regime, which has exceeded 110 billion US dollars. In other words, BlackRock took over a large part of Ukraine's state-owned assets while Ukraine was in a national crisis.

The fire in Hawaii, USA in August 2023. After the disaster, a company bought a large area of ​​these houses at a low price of 20,000 US dollars. Before that, the residents of Hawaii had been reluctant to sell until the fire was damaged and a large number of casualties occurred. The local residents were forced to sell their houses and land at a low price. And it was BlackRock that bought these properties.

Why did Japan dare to discharge nuclear wastewater in 2023 against global public opinion, and Western public opinion collectively lost its voice? The answer is that there is someone behind him to support him. The main party responsible for the discharge of Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea is Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the major shareholder of Tokyo Electric Power Company is BlackRock.

The founder of BlackRock Group is Larry Fink, known as the Godfather of Wall Street, a Jew who invented MBS.

BlackRock and Vanguard are all shareholders of the Fortune 500 companies except those in mainland China, and most of them are major shareholders. #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变