Let me tell you how to judge the current market situation!

If we talk about the interest rate cut:

If, I just say if, if the Fed wants to cut interest rates twice this year, then it will basically cut once next month, and then at the end of the year. Otherwise, it is unlikely to cut twice by the end of the year, because inflation will rebound if you are not careful.

Therefore, many people say that the bull market will not start until the end of the year, and the bull market will not start until the second and a half years. The point of view is basically not correct, otherwise, will the dog dealer make you earn this money so easily? Now many people are waiting and watching. If the interest rate is cut in July, it will make many people unable to get on the bus!

Everyone finds that the current low of the big cake is getting higher and higher, and it is difficult to fall completely. This is the so-called bottoming out. The bottom in May was hovering at 56,000 US dollars, and now the bottom in June has been hovering at 65,000 US dollars.

Why is this happening:

Too much money has flowed into the market. From the passage of ETFs to the blood sucking of altcoins by big cakes, the final direction of these funds is to flow to big cakes, so big cakes are the vane of the market. The recent market has always been a small drop in big cakes and a sharp drop in altcoins.

What should we do now:

Although we know that the market has bottomed out, the market has always given the possibility of a rate cut. The only good news is the passage of the ETF, which gives the market a glimmer of hope. Now everyone is waiting and watching. Once there is good news, the market rebound will be huge.

So friends who have spot goods in hand can buy BTC and ETH now to clear some of the poorly circulated altcoins!

I am a fresh goods blogger who is optimistic about the future of the currency circle. I am motivated to bring fans to shore together. If you are interested, you can click on the avatar and follow me. I need fans and you need references. Just lie down (free of charge).

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