June 15th Weather Heavy Rain

I opened UNI and BB this morning. I was very happy that both were making money. I was going to take the subway to have fun. When I was on the subway, a couple sat opposite me. The boy's appearance was hard to describe, but the girl was pretty.

At that time, I heard the girl say to her boyfriend: I saw Meng xx's boyfriend today and he was so ugly.

The boy said: "Is he uglier than me?"

I was silent at that time.

At this time, I thought the girl would comfort him and say something like "you are not ugly".

After a few seconds, the girl said: "I am not ugly in the same way as you."

Suddenly, I couldn't help laughing. The boy looked at me and the girl said, "Why am I laughing? Be good and ignore him. You are the most handsome in my eyes. He looks like a loser without a partner. Woohoo😭