Friends, we are currently experiencing a downward phase. I know that everyone feels bad, but I want to express some opinions.

Macroeconomics: This year's US election and the Federal Reserve's expected interest rate cut are two major mainstream sectors and narratives. Trump even directly stood up in the White House to sing the praises of Bitcoin, and the stocks of Bitcoin mining companies rose sharply.

Let's talk about conspiracy theories or my personal subjective conjectures. Grayscale's application for Bitcoin spot ETFs has not been approved for so many years. This year, Bitcoin ETF was first blocked and then passed, but what about Ethereum's ETF? It was passed in one go. I personally think that Biden was panicking about him and then ordered the SEC to give it a green light. But in any case, the entire crypto market has become more inclusive and accepting. Including recently I saw some media interviews with the public. Since October 23, only 40% of the public have been interested in the crypto market, but now it has risen to around 50%.

I think the world is a huge plate. Whether it is foreign trade, Internet, real estate or finance, all walks of life are basically those who get on the bus early to eat meat early, and those who get on the bus later can't eat meat, and may even be cut. I currently think that the crypto market is still very young, and the positives revealed in the macro aspect make me more optimistic about this round of bull market in the currency circle.

The United States was the first to pass ETFs, followed by Hong Kong, and then Europe, Australia and Thailand all passed ETFs. The giants of various countries have begun to recognize cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. The position of Bitcoin as digital gold is really becoming more and more solid, so I am also very sure that Bitcoin can reach 100,000 US dollars in this round.

The day before yesterday, the YT video said that if the 0.618 line is lost, it will continue to fall. The current market is consistent with the video's expectations.

But I think. A big rise must fall, and a big fall must rise. All the declines are the songs in our winding path. In the end, Bitcoin will definitely reach 100,000. Even higher.

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