Wang Bu Ai Market Sharing-240615

Industry News:

1. MicroStrategy founder: Bitcoin will continue to be purchased even if it reaches $8 million

2. Forbes: CZ's current net worth is estimated to be $61 billion, and he may hold 94 million BNB

3. MicroStrategy announced the pricing of convertible priority notes with a total amount of $700 million

4. Roaring Kitty may join the GME board of directors and has increased its holdings of 4 million GME shares

5. Bernstein raised BTC's target price by 33% to $200,000 by the end of 2025

6. Jupiter Lianchuang: Some key updates such as Jupiter APE smart wallet will be launched in the next few weeks

7. Source: Farcaster is expected to launch tokens

8. ZK Nation: It is planned to open ZKsync proxy registration next week

9. US SEC Chairman: Terraform case proves that the economic substance of the product determines whether it is a security under the Securities Act

10. Gemini will pay $50 million to settle New York cryptocurrency fraud claims

11. Bloomberg analysts: The launch date of the spot Ethereum ETF is expected to be advanced to July 2

12. OpenAI intends to become a profitable company similar to Anthropic and xAI, or pave the way for an IPO

13. Trump: Will end Biden's war on cryptocurrencies and ensure that Bitcoin is made in the United States in the future

14. The President of El Salvador proposed to establish a private investment bank for Bitcoin investors

15. The Australian Stock Exchange ASX will list the first Bitcoin spot ETF

16. LayerZero co-founder: 23.8% of the total ZRO will be allocated to the community and builders, of which 8.5% will be distributed on the first day

17. The tax charges filed by the Nigerian Federal Taxation Bureau against Binance executives have been withdrawn

18. LayerZero established a foundation and released its first tweet with pictures

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