Last night, the price of Yitai fell to the first big support of 3355, and the second one was around 3220. It has rebounded now. I made more money on tnsr and ethfi in the last wave. When they fell back to their original prices, I chose these two first. Tnsr is basically lower than the last time I bought it, and I basically doubled my investment. And the stop loss is smaller than last time, so I put it in front. The stop loss of ethfi3.4 up-3.1 down is also cost-effective. Now it has risen. You can start buying at 3.55, and make up once in the middle. The stop loss is actually the same as tnsr if it falls below the support of multiple touch points. For rez, it is recommended to run at 0.18 last time. This kind of stock has not fallen below the low point, but it is relatively far away. If it is not easy to fight on the left side, you can wait for ethfi to rebound strongly before considering it. Then I copied some masks casually.