#BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 BTC ETH, the predicted position of 65058 reached accurately last night, and the actual position was 65052, with an error of only 6 price points. This accuracy is not bad, brothers. It rebounded quickly after reaching it. The predicted position of Ethereum on the 14th, 3362, also rebounded quickly after reaching it, and rebounded directly to the predicted position of 3531. I haven't posted a square for a long time. Today I will give you some target positions.

BTC, currently the daily line is still on the short side, the 4-hour level is also on the short side, and the 1-hour level enters a rebound. The upper target is: 66377-67097-67530-68397. If the daily line does not stand above 68600, it will still be on the short side. The lower support level is: 65058-64365-62443-64365

ETH, relatively more powerful, the daily line is on the short side, the 4-hour level enters a rebound, and the upper target is: 3531-3559-367 2-3727, if the daily line cannot stand at 3629, it will still be on the short side, and the support level below is: 3427-3362-3200-3067

You can choose 1-2 orders for spot trading, short-term orders are prohibited, and watch the market

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#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #欧洲杯开赛 $BTC $ETH $BNB