[Golden Finance Compilation: Overview of financing information in the past 24 hours (June 15)] 1. Web3 talent network Bondex completed a strategic round of financing; 2. Modular Web3 development kit Orbital7 completed a private placement round of financing; 3. Permission-free leveraged trading protocol Particle completed a new strategic round of financing; 4. Blockchain biotechnology project GenomesDAO completed a new round of financing; 5. Modular data layer development project CARV completed a new strategic round of financing; 6. Decentralized AI protocol PrivateAI completed a strategic round of financing, with DAO Maker and others participating in the investment; 7. Web3 music platform Stage completed US$2.4 million in financing, with RR2 Capital and others participating in the investment; 8. DeFi credit service company Qiro Finance completed US$1.2 million in Pre-Seed round of financing, led by Alliance.