$CHZ False breakthrough, stop loss exit

Yesterday's small level broke through, and the BTC trend was also quite healthy at the time, so I entered the market directly

BTC still broke the structure later, and chz was not spared. I personally think that this wave was still led by BTC; there were indeed too many bulls yesterday, and the dog dealers need to be cleaned up again

For the follow-up plan, tighten it a little bit and wait until this daily downward trend line is completely out before entering the market; assist in waiting for a bottom structure

Stop loss is not terrible, what is more important is to be able to execute your own plan, and not to carry the order at the last minute; think that this large structure is in a good position and has a high profit and loss ratio, just adjust and wait for the next signal. The previous order is the previous order, don't mix any emotions into the new order