Polkadot DOT price chooses the path to the end of the year

We don't know what's going on in the #POLKADOTE project fundamentally, but we've heard almost nothing about their sensational parachains.

So let's just write what we see on the #DOTUSDT chart

1️⃣The #Dotusdt price seems to have drawn an H&S figure and is hovering over an abyss.

If it consolidates below $6, the fall may continue to $4.5, and in the worst case scenario, to $3

2️⃣But as long as the #Dotusdt price is above $6-6.50, $DOT holders can believe in a miracle and literally pray for a blue scenario.

Its working out to the region of $17-17.50 will allow at least some to exit positions that have been held for 2-3 years.

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