
Two prerequisites for not changing positions easily:

First, the more you can hold the correct orders, the easier it is to close the positions at a good position.

Second, the premise of not cutting positions easily is to see the right and light positions.

Third, the premise of stop loss is to know right from wrong. Making a mistake and correcting it is called stop loss. Stop loss cannot stop opportunities at the same time. If you are sure it is wrong, you should stop loss immediately. If you are sure it is right, if the position is light during the callback, you can still increase the position instead of stop loss.

Fourth, you cannot set a stop loss based on the loss of funds, but you should see whether the analysis is correct. If it is not right, leave the market immediately. If it is right, it is normal even if you are trapped a little.

Fifth, hanging a stop loss order is untenable. Futures are counterparty transactions. It is okay to close one position, but if you want to close 10,000 positions, you cannot trade without enough counterparty.

Sixth, different capital scales require different entry and exit methods in terms of operational details.

Seventh, what should you do if you make a mistake? If you make a mistake, you should flee quickly. It is not only necessary to stop loss, but the key is to stop mistakes.

Eighth, stop loss is to stop mistakes and prevent them from expanding. Temporary losses are not necessarily mistakes, and temporary profits are not necessarily correct. If it is not wrong, don't stop, but if it is wrong, stop immediately.

Ninth, if it is wrong, you should run away immediately, and you can't drag your feet or hesitate. If you are sure that your order is wrong, you don't have to care about the point. As long as the opponent has an order, grab it quickly and close the position as soon as possible. This is one of the principles of trading.

Tenth, why is it difficult to close a position? This is because there is no real basis when entering the market, or even impulsive entry. After entering, you will be uneasy, so closing a position becomes a dilemma.