See the chart below.

You will see 5 stages of a coin increasing in price.

Cause: "market manipulation by sharks".

The 5 stages and the meaning of each stage are

#1 : distribution

When a token is listed for the first time on the exchange (Listing), it is a good opportunity for the founder (dev) and the exchange (broker) to distribute coins to new investors (new holders).

Founders need money to maintain network building and marketing activities.

The exchange needs to make a profit when listing or laupah. Because it's simple: the exchange is a business, they also need money.

For the distribution to be successful, it is necessary to create liquidity by "manipulating the price upward".

If the price does not increase during the initial listing period.

There will be no new holders

and dev and exchange cannot earn new cash.

#2 : cumulative

After the initial period.

excitement declines.

Organizations will collect when "price" is lower than "value"(*)

a long period of time and slow growth.

Because those who are impatient and do not have enough faith in a new coin will give up)

Organizations and private banks understand that.

And they have enough money and patience to buy little by little over a long period of time.

This means bottom positions are never easy for you

#3: create waves

A bull market is a market that has at least 5 waves moving up and down.

The price increase will make new holders feel excited.

Dev and broker will attract attention with posts to #tophottrend

The price drop is an opportunity to welcome new holders to participate at better prices

See more part 2...