Don’t have any feelings for any altcoin. Buy it when it’s cheap and run away after buying it. Don’t pay attention to any news about this coin in the future.

The flowering period of altcoins is limited. The newer and tenderer they are, the better. Newly issued altcoins are like 18-year-old girls, so tender that water can be squeezed out of them.

Old copycat coins are like older leftover women. Not only are the bride prices extremely high, but they are also very picky. People with weak financial resources simply cannot afford them.

As a scumbag

Try to find some newer altcoins that have not been listed before.

If you are afraid of getting pregnant (being stuck), try to choose a safe period. The Bitcoin halving cycle is the best safe period, when the risk is the lowest and the experience is the best!

When you have enough experience and your skills are getting better, you can then go after beautiful, rich and white girls.

Beautiful, rich and white women are like beautiful pie and ether. All the unique skills we have acquired are for the purpose of winning over beautiful, rich and white women and reaching the peak of life!

Only the truly beautiful, rich and white (big cake, ether) is worthy of our lifelong companionship!


The above is all a joke. I have posted too much chicken soup, so I will write some funny literature to match the cryptocurrency circle! !

Write something serious below!!

After 8 years of trading in cryptocurrencies, I feel that the only cryptocurrencies that perform well are BTC, ETH, and a few platform coins that perform well.

The performance of the remaining coins is quite poor, doge shib is still okay.

Most other altcoins have been returning to zero, and only in 2017 and 2021, the altcoins took advantage of the Bitcoin halving cycle to experience two bull markets!

According to the four-year rule, the next bull market in copycats should be in 2025.

Apart from the halving cycle, altcoins are not worth holding.

The main reason for this phenomenon is

Most altcoins do not have long-term plans

All the publicity and basic technology are just to satisfy the needs of listing on exchanges and dumping chips in the secondary market.

Once the altcoin dealers make money, they will no longer maintain the project, nor will they spend money to boost the price. For them, instead of letting the leeks get out of the trap, it is better to launch a new project, which is more cost-effective!

Therefore, the fate of most altcoins is to return to zero!

As an investor, what you need to consider when buying altcoins is

1. It is best to be within the halving cycle

2. It is better to have some innovation and make some contribution to the whole industry at a certain stage.

3. The banker has money and high financing

4. Early entry and low cost

5. There is a 99.99% chance that this project will return to zero, so run away when you have made almost all the money.

6. Change to BTC and ETH

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