Persuading people to play contracts is like *their parents

More than 90% of people who have touched contracts will have a "terminal illness":

Loss of motivation for normal work!

Why? Because contracts make money and lose money too quickly, which is actually gambling. When you have made thousands or tens of thousands of yuan in a few minutes, and you have also been liquidated in a few minutes, the liquidation is your income from one or three months of work. How can you still think about doing normal work?

People who have experienced contract liquidation will gradually distort their views on money. They will lose enthusiasm for life and work. In severe cases, the brain will have organic lesions, leading to depression (the kind that can only be cured by taking medicine). In addition, since they have made money before, they will definitely not be willing to be liquidated, and they must take it out. Therefore, when the liquidation occurs, the forehead will be congested, and it will definitely recharge again after a few days of silence, but the contract cannot be foolproof. If you make a mistake once, all your previous efforts will be wasted and the liquidation will occur again. So, don't expect miracles. Remember: there are no miracles in contracts. There are no miracles in contracts. There are no miracles in contracts.

It is only a matter of time before the liquidation occurs.

Once you enter the cryptocurrency world, as long as you touch a contract, you will be infected with this "terminal disease". Sorry, you may not believe it at all. From the first time you get liquidated, your suicide may be doomed. Unless... you completely withdraw from the contract!