In fact, the current situation in the currency circle is surprisingly similar to that of last year. At first, there was a round of panic decline, followed by a swift rebound, which is exactly the same as the trend of the Dragon Boat Festival last year. At present, we have seen the situation of decline and panic, and the next step is to observe whether there will be a new round of pull-ups. When this wave of pull-ups comes, it may be very fast, perhaps within ten days or half a month. At that time, we will witness which altcoin series can stand out.

Now, the market seems to be full of opportunities, as if you can pick up precious chips at will, but those chips are covered with the blood of the market. After the plunge in April, altcoins just took a breath in May, but suffered another plunge in June. At present, most of the currencies that are still rising in the market are those hot coins that are strong and attract much attention. Therefore, when choosing investment currencies, screening becomes particularly important. At the same time, chase the hot spots of the market, because all opportunities appear in the process of your full efforts and courageous progress.

Making money in the currency circle has never been an easy task. If you choose to enter this circle for trading, there are two things you must do well. Doing these two things well, although it cannot guarantee that you will become rich overnight, it can at least make you stand out from the majority. These two points are: good risk management and a stable trading mentality. If you can't bear the market fluctuations, then I suggest you stay away from this t+0 trading market, because it may not be suitable for you.

If you have been chasing ups and downs, often being trapped, and have no latest news in the currency circle, friends who have no direction, pay attention, pay attention, pay attention, in the community, I share the bull market strategy layout with fans for free, just to increase fans!

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