In fact, I have also experienced his situation, but I didn't have so much capital when I was doing contracts in 2019. When I came into contact with contracts in 2019, I only dared to play contracts with 500-1000U

At that time, I didn't even know the most basic opening positions, floating losses and profits, leverage, and position control. I only knew that I could magnify my funds to make money, the so-called "contracts"

At that time, there was no systematic learning at all, and I didn't think about reading some books to learn from other people's trading experience. I didn't know how to open positions, control positions, and only take 10% of the funds to open positions as margin

Before I entered the currency circle, I had some knowledge of the trend of stock K-line, because I had worked in stock companies (shell companies) for several years. In the month, the so-called stock company was just a pig-killing company. There were many in Guangzhou before and there are still many now, but the contract has always been a risk that others have said. I have never touched it. This is the first time. I remember opening a position on Huobi. I opened a small currency. I opened it with 10,000 yuan and found that it was a full position. In less than ten minutes, 50,000 was transferred. I felt it was amazing, but the next second I found that the market took a sharp turn for the worse. Huobi sent a text message and an email, and the position was "forced liquidation risk rate". It was forced to close for me in less than a minute. That was my first time opening a position.

I used to play spot in 2018. I remember that the first coin my friend asked me to buy was AE, commonly known as "European Ethereum". It was really hot at that time. After buying it, I was trapped for a month and sold it after it rose back to the original cost [Laughing sadly] In 2018, I was cheated by an agent, and I was fooled by the air when I was working on the community together. I helped the project party with an air coin for free, raised a lot of Ethereum, and then ran away directly. It was not listed on the exchange or opened for trading. It was a game coin YGO. Later, I found out that it was a project in Shenzhen. At that time, everyone was very naive and had low cognition.

The money I earned before was lost in 2018 and 2019. It was all small exchanges that ran away, agents ran away, and some small projects ran away.

Until now, I still think they are ordinary people. What Xiaoxia Tony is just more cognizable than me. He seized some opportunities and kept wealth. As long as you are still in the circle, keep polishing, keep learning from the experience of successful people, summarize yourself more, and have capital, you can still make wealth like them$BTC