Thursday's short-term volatility was large. After a sharp pullback in the morning, it rebounded in the evening, changing the downward rhythm of the day. The long positions held during the day were perfectly exited after covering positions. Then the market went down again, and we immediately arranged long positions again. There were countless short-term long and short positions during the day. In the face of such a volatile market, we entered and exited quickly in the short-term form. We acted decisively. Wednesday was still a perfect day.

The technical structure has not changed much, and there is no big morphological structure to speak of. The daily line rebounded again after bottoming out. Before the top adjustment pattern of rising and falling appears, it is expected to maintain the rising pattern, but the short-term is still adjusting. In the short-term cycle, the retracement after the upward rush is basically a correction. Each round of high rush has a retracement action. The short-term retracement can be followed by more.

Bitcoin: 66700-66400, long, target 69000

Ethereum: 3480-3450, long, target 3600#币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #ZKsync空投争议 #IO #币安用户数突破2亿 $BTC $ETH