[2024.6.14 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

As long as Bitcoin does not fall below 66,000 this week, the weekly level is still on the bullish side, so this wave is just a daily level correction. Ethereum is still on the bullish side if it does not fall below 3,355 weekly level this week. Bitcoin and Ethereum will only have a big short position if they fall below the weekly level support. Otherwise, they will rebound every time they hit the weekly level support!

Don’t start fantasizing about where Bitcoin and Ethereum will fall after falling a few points. Many positions below are large-level supports. Only when they fall below them will they gradually go down. Don’t scare yourself!

Today’s market analysis:

The rebound in the early morning of $BTC just reached the first pressure/target level I gave, 67115, and it is currently trading sideways at the bottom of the 4-hour chart. Pay attention to the position of 66800 today. As long as the 1-hour level closes above this position, the 1-hour level will start to rebound. Pay attention to the pressure level of 67070 in the sideways trading zone. After breaking through, pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of 67440-68350.

If the 1-hour closing line today cannot stand above 66800, it means that the rebound is extremely weak. Pay attention to the support range of 66250-66000 below. If it falls below the weekly line, it will start to pull back. Pay attention to the lower support level of 64900-64050! #BTC走势预测

$ETH is relatively strong. It touched the second pressure level I gave in the morning. It is currently rebounding in 1/2 hours. Pay attention to the upper position of 3510 today. As long as the 1/2 hour level closes above this position, the 1/2 hour level will start to rise and the 4-hour level will start to rebound. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level of 3541-3575-3622.

If the rebound today fails to stand above 3510, and the 1/2 hour closing line falls below 3480, it means that this wave of rebound is over and the market starts to go down. Pay attention to the support level below 3457-3428-3355! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥