Sui Bridge is now officially launched on the testnet!

As a native bridge protocol built specifically for bridging assets and data on the Sui blockchain, Sui Bridge aims to improve the interoperability between Sui and Ethereum. It enables users to easily and securely transfer ETH, wBTC, USDC and USDT between Ethereum and Sui, and is an important part of Sui infrastructure. By leveraging the unique features of the Sui network to provide efficient transaction speeds, low transaction costs and a decentralized architecture, Sui Bridge provides a new channel to enter the Sui ecosystem.

As the Sui ecosystem grows, diverse, secure, and reliable bridging options become a fundamental component of a healthy DeFi ecosystem. Sui Bridge facilitates interoperability between different blockchains, enabling assets and data to move between networks. This enhances liquidity and expands the use of digital assets, making it easier for users to participate in various blockchain activities such as DeFi and gaming.

Sui Bridge Security

As a native bridge protocol, Sui Bridge is secured by Sui validator nodes, ensuring the high trust and reliability of the bridge protocol. Unlike third-party bridge protocols that rely on external validator nodes, Sui Bridge leverages the inherent security infrastructure of the Sui blockchain. This native security guarantee means that the bridge protocol enjoys the protection of the same powerful mechanism that protects the Sui network itself.

Testing Incentive Program

With the release of Sui Bridge, we launched an incentive program to improve the user experience and ensure the security and reliability of the system. We encourage participants to participate widely in the experience of Sui Bridge and help us find any potential errors and fix them in time. For contributors who actively participate in testing Sui Bridge, we will issue a total of 100,000 SUI tokens as rewards.

To participate in the test incentive program, users need to interact through the Sui Bridge web interface on the test network and ensure that the entire two-way asset transaction process is successfully completed, including claiming the bridged assets on both ends. This helps us track eligible interactions and accurately reward participants. Using methods other than the web interface to participate in the event, such as directly calling functions, will result in the address not being able to receive rewards. For other eligibility requirements, please read the official announcement for more details.

Through this testing program, we encourage participants to actively explore the entire bridging process. We also welcome everyone to discover problems through testing so that we can continue to optimize and provide better services.

Before reporting an issue, users are asked to check the Sui Discord and review the discussion in the sui-bridge specific channel. To report new issues, use the separate Sui Bridge forum. User-submitted problem descriptions are typically required to include a video to help reproduce the issue, and include relevant transaction hashes/summaries. If the reported issue is substantiated, the reward will be distributed at the end of the program.

Additionally, to streamline the process, we have created a comprehensive FAQ that addresses common misconceptions and known issues. Participants should review the FAQ carefully before reporting any issues. Moderators will assist in reviewing submitted videos to ensure accuracy and relevance. We encourage high-quality reports, but please note that low-quality and spam reports may have a negative impact on reward distribution.

Bug Bounty Program

In conjunction with the testnet incentive program, we will also expand the scope of the Sui bug bounty program to include Sui Bridge.

We invite the community to help us identify and fix any potential vulnerabilities. From serious vulnerabilities such as permanent loss of user funds to medium vulnerabilities such as bridge node crashes, every contribution is critical to ensuring and improving the security and reliability of Sui Bridge. Join us to further improve the security and user experience of Sui Bridge. For other eligibility requirements, please read the official announcement for more details.

Operation Guide

Currently, the Sui Bridge web interface uses the Sui testnet and the Ethereum Sepolia testnet.

Most wallets allow users to switch between networks in the same way as the Sui Bridge web interface, i.e. by selecting the appropriate network from a tab or drop-down menu.

Users must request testnet tokens from a faucet specific to that network. There are multiple faucet options available on both the Sepolia and Sui testnets. For example, Google Cloud offers an Ethereum Sepolia testnet faucet, and Sui Wallet offers a simple one-click process to claim mobile and browser extension versions of the testnet SUI.

The Sui document lists more ways to obtain testnet SUI tokens, please check it out.

Sui Bridge supports five types of tokens on the testnet:

  • Native Sepolia Ethereum

  • Wrapped ETH

  • Wrapped BTC

  • USDC

  • USDT

The following article will describe how to bridge assets from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui testnet, and then bridge assets back to Ethereum Sepolia. Each round-trip bridge is considered a complete test case eligible for rewards.

1. Enter the Sui Bridge test network web interface.

2. Connect Ethereum and Sui wallet. For the target chain, you can also choose to manually enter the address by clicking "Enter manually".

3. Get/mint test coins from the faucet or token contract:

  • For Native Sepolia Ethereum, please use the link provided above the article.

  • For Wrapped ETH, on Etherscan, go to “Contract”, then click “Write Contract”, then click “Connect to Web3”, and then “write” a “deposit” transaction to wrap the native Sepolia Ethereum as WETH.

  • For WBTC, USDC, or USDT on Etherscan, go to “Contract” and click “Write Contract”, then click “Connect to Web3” and then “write” a mint transaction to get the tokens.

    • Note that WBTC has 8 decimal places, so an amount of 1000000 equals 0.01 WBTC. USDC and USDT have 6 decimal places.

4. Now let’s test the bridge token from Ethereum Sepolia to Sui testnet. Select a token and enter the amount to bridge, then select “Bridge assets”. The interface may require approval of the ERC20 token quota.

5. After approving the transaction from the wallet, the user will be redirected to the transaction details page to track the progress of the bridge transaction. The transfer from Sepolia to Sui Testnet may take about 10 minutes to complete.

6. After Ethereum is finalized, in most cases, the bridge token will be sent directly to the receiving address on the Sui testnet without the need for the recipient to manually claim it. In some special cases, the recipient may need to wait for a while and claim it manually on the user interface. During the incentive program, we may deliberately increase this situation to test this behavior.

7. Now let’s test the bridge from Sui testnet to Ethereum Sepolia.

Click the toggle button in the middle of the list to switch the transfer direction. Select the asset that just arrived at the Sui testnet address (the amount does not matter), bridge it back and submit the initialization transaction. Then the user can immediately claim the asset on Ethereum Sepolia through the "Claim" button on the second transaction interface on Ethereum Sepolia.

In some special cases, the recipient may need to wait extra time before claiming the tokens. During the incentive campaign, we may deliberately add this scenario to test this behavior.

Get ready and join the test!

By participating in the Sui Bridge testnet, users can not only help us create a safer and more efficient bridge together, but they will also experience a smooth transition when the bridge goes live on the Sui mainnet. We are very happy to see the active participation of the community and look forward to any feedback from the community.

Everyone is welcome to join us in testing Sui Bridge today, and stay tuned for the release of Sui Bridge on the mainnet!

Note: This content is for general educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed or understood as a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any asset, investment or financial product, nor does it constitute financial, legal or tax advice.