📢📢 Heads up, BTC enthusiasts! UwU Lend protocol, still recovering from a $19.3 million hack on June 10, has been hit again! This time, a whopping $3.7 million has been swiped. 😱

Cyvers, an on-chain data analytics platform, was the first to raise the alarm. The culprits? Seemingly the same bad actors from the June 10 incident. 🕵️‍♂️

The stolen funds, sourced from various asset pools, have already been converted into Ethereum and transferred to the attacker’s address. 🚨

But don't panic just yet! 🚫🔥 Following the initial breach, the UwU Lend team took immediate measures to limit the damage. The protocol was temporarily paused while investigations were conducted into the vulnerabilities exploited by the hackers.

In an update on June 12, the UwU team disclosed that they had identified the specific vulnerability related to the sUSDe market oracle and claimed to have resolved it. 🛠️

They've also assured users that no funds have been permanently lost during the incident. Phew! 😅

UwU has been working hard to reimburse its users, with a total of $9,715,288 returned to affected users so far. 👏👏

UwU Lend, a fork of the open-source AAVE v2 protocol, offers its users various decentralized finance services such as lending, borrowing, and staking. One of its unique features includes a revenue-sharing token called UwU. 💰

Stay tuned for more updates, folks! 🚀🌕