This $4 Million Wu Tang NFT Album To Go On Sale For $1, Here’s Why

The Wu-Tang Clan's unique album "Once Upon a Time in Shaolin" will be released as an encrypted Non-Fungible Token (NFT), with additional tracks unlocking over time. PleasrDAO, a crypto collective, acquired the album for $4 million three years ago and will sell encrypted on-chain copies on Base, Coinbase's Ethereum layer 2 scaling network, starting June 13 for $1 each.

PleasrDAO has worked for half a year with the album's producers to secure commercialization rights for 16 out of the 31 tracks. The plan is to gradually release more music to NFT holders, addressing the devaluation of music in the digital age. Leighton Cusack, a PleasrDAO founder, highlighted that the album questions the value of music in today's digital world.



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