The waterfall arrived as expected again, and the idea of ​​shorting in the day has been verified!

The short-selling strategy that was publicly deployed in advance on the entire network at noon, entering the Bitcoin 67800-68300 area, the lowest price of the currency has reached 66300 so far, perfectly reaching the target position and taking more than 2000 points of profit space, and entering the short position near 3520-3550 of Ethereum synchronous layout, the lowest price of the currency has reached 3430 so far, and the target position has also arrived as expected, taking more than 100 points of profit space, keep up with the short-selling strategy ideas, pay attention to reasonably grasp the range, the current 4-hour line is accelerating, and the daily line is also constantly opening new lows during the day, everyone is still doing more to avoid risks, for more real-time strategy ideas, you can follow my official account (Mu Feng sees the trend), welcome to communicate and learn together! #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #ZKsync空投争议 #IO #币安用户数突破2亿