CRV exploded! Record-breaking one-hour trading volume🚀

Wow! 😮 The CRV token caused quite a stir on June 13! Its price soared in a short period of time, breaking through the $0.3 mark. Although it has now fallen back to $0.2975, the increase is close to 40%! 📈

What is even more amazing is that on the Binance platform, the trading volume of CRV/USDT has set a new historical record! 🏆 Especially in the short hour from 11 am to 12 pm, the trading volume exceeded the total volume of the CRV/USDT trading pair on any day in history (except today)! 😲 It's crazy!

I have to say that CRV's performance this time is really eye-catching! On the Binance platform, its spot trading volume accounts for as much as 33.94%, and today is not the second largest trading day on this platform! 👏

In short, the performance of the CRV token on this day is really eye-catching! Let us look forward to its wonderful performance in the future! 🎉

#币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #非农就业人数高于预期