Odaily Planet Daily News According to @ai_9684xtpa, Binance co-founder He Yi said in X Space: 1. Binance can only provide Guide for newly launched projects, such as whether it can give more airdrop shares, but will not interfere with the opening price of tokens; 2. In response to the evil/monopoly of market makers, Binance has strict standards for market makers of online projects, and will limit the upper limit of the amount that can be transferred each month; 3. The essence of the "anti-VC wave" may not be the worry that capital will make money, but the lack of good assets that are really worth investing in; the current problem is: after VC invests in projects with high valuations, the projects attract users to brush data through airdrops in the absence of supporting business models, so that trading platforms are forced to choose to list coins under pressure. In this process, no one is satisfied except the project party (VC is sometimes also the object of cutting because there is a long lock-up period); 4. Blockchain is an emerging market, and there is no unified standard for issuing coins; for Binance, it is very difficult to regulate this phenomenon through rules, and it is destined to be a process of fighting wits and courage; for individuals, it is recommended to spend more time on research.