• En's Campaign Team Considering Crypto Donations

en's Campaign Team Considering Crypto Donations:

US President Joe Biden's re-election team is reportedly considering accepting #cryptocurrency donations for the campaign.

According to a report from The Block, a source close to the campaign team noted that they are currently in talks with cryptocurrency companies about accepting cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce.

1 source working with the politicians told the publication that they want to show that "they are not the enemy.

They will focus on cryptocurrency-related issues and try to get a quick win to show they support the industry. " "

On May 5, Biden's campaign staff "asked for financial help to keep up with Republicans. " Biden's campaign headquarters, judging from a screenshot infected with a virus, sent a message to its subscribers warning them that Trump's campaign was receiving huge donations.

Biden admitted that Trump's campaign was "outspending" himself, backed by cryptocurrency executives.

The report said that Biden's close acquaintances are specifically coaxing his campaign team. "If you stay silent about this cryptocurrency and don't accelerate its adoption, you could lose the election. However, the source emphasized that #cryptocurrencies are still in the "research" stage and Biden's team is looking into the matter.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump began accepting campaign donations last month through his cryptocurrency fundraising page. The page accepts donations in several crypto assets including #bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH), #Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Ripple (XRP), US dollar coins (USDC) and OKS (ZRX).

The former US president has reportedly reaffirmed his commitment to cryptocurrencies, pledging to become a "crypto-president". His comments came during a recent fundraising event in San Francisco.

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