Brothers, it's incredible. The Fed's interest rate cut is basically stable. After the release of May CPI data and interest rate decision last night, the possibility of a rate cut in November is 100%, and the probability of a rate cut in September is 70%.

With the arrival of two crucial macro news in June, it is at least certain that the market will rise sharply in the next six months. Does anyone remember what Tangren said in the article on May 25, "The only thing that the concubine needs to do to become a god is to withstand the 3 million coins of Grayscale. Can the king of copycats trigger a bull market and break through 10,000 points?"

At that time, Tangren warned everyone that between June and July, before the listing of the Yitai ETF, the dog dealers would definitely seize the last opportunity to clean up the market and frantically loot the chips in the market.

Let's see if the recent market is all caused by news factors. The core PCE price index for April was released on May 31, and the market suddenly rose and then fell quickly.

The non-farm data on June 7th far exceeded expectations and the market continued to plummet for several days. As soon as the CPI data came out last night, there was another big positive line that directly broke through the 70,000 mark.

Just when everyone thought the market was coming back and rushed to buy in, the interest rate decision and Powell's speech in the early morning poured cold water on the market, causing a direct explosion of long and short positions, and the market fell back to where it had risen.

Are you confused about the current market? No matter how much it rises, it will fall back to the starting point with a needle. When the news comes out, it is basically good and bad at the same time, which makes people confused. If you open long, it will explode, and if you open short, it will also explode. It seems that the whole world is against you.

If you have such a feeling, then you are right. If the dealer doesn't confuse you, how can he rob the bloody chips from your hands? If the dealer doesn't harvest enough chips, how can he get the young model in the villa?

How should we operate in such a market? Tangren suggests that everyone must stay calm. If you get upset, you will lose half of your money. From the perspective of the dog dealer, the dog dealer can only control the leveraged players. Therefore, the first step is to keep the chips in your hand and not be easily washed out.

If you are already fully invested, just sit back and watch the show. If you still have positions, now is a suitable time to enter the market for many copycat stocks. If the stocks you choose are not strong hot spots, you can adjust your positions appropriately. For details, please talk to Tangren.

If you really want to play with contracts, then try a small position and strictly control the take-profit and stop-loss points. If you don't have any technical skills and open orders based on your feelings, you can go to Tangren's free strategy exchange gathering place. Whether you can get in depends on fate. You can ask an assistant to give it a try.

The second half of the bull market has already begun in June, and there are still many positive factors that have not been realized in the second half. Don’t ask such stupid questions as whether the bull market is still there, and don’t lose your composure because of temporary ups and downs. The real bull market outbreak must be far beyond our imagination.

There is only one kind of person who can profit in a bull market, and that is those who ambush and prepare in advance. Only those who plant seeds in the spring when the ice and snow begin to melt can reap the fruits of success in the autumn, rather than complaining about their bad luck when autumn comes.

Finally, in a bull market, what to buy and how to buy are very important, but when to sell is more important. If you want to know more about the market interpretation and strategy, please follow us and find Tangren to play in the crypto circle together.

Tangren’s interpretation of the market:

Big cake: The main trend during the day is still volatile. The market is still choosing a direction. The position of 68,000 is a key point for long and short positions. The market will attack 68,000 at night. Now there is no large-scale risk, so we still need to see if it can break through the position above 68,000 and stabilize. If it cannot stand smoothly, the market will continue to fluctuate for a longer time. The upper pressure level is 69,500 and the support level is 66,000.

Auntie: During the day, the entire market fluctuated downward around 3500. However, the current four-hour line has a rebound trend, but the rebound strength is relatively weak, so the market will continue to fluctuate around the entire position of 3500. The upper pressure level is 3610 and the support level is 3450.

For the copycat market: the overall correction during the day was large, but the MEME and Ethereum ecological sectors we mentioned in the morning are relatively resistant to declines. Those who have suffered large losses can appropriately cover their positions. If you have no positions, now is also a good time to buy the bottom. In terms of bottom buying, we should mainly focus on the MEME and Ethereum ecological sectors. The TIA we mentioned in the morning has been received at the 8 position.

Tangren talks about strategy:

Since short-term strategies are time-sensitive and the market changes rapidly, many strategies cannot be shared with everyone in a timely manner. Therefore, you can read the introduction on the homepage of the article to find Tangren and send a message to receive it.

The TIA we mentioned this morning has been received at position 8, so please continue to pay attention to it.

The essence of Tangren's trading strategy: the first step is to determine the trading cycle, the second step is to confirm the trading direction, and the third step is to formulate a trading plan. The plan must clearly state: where to enter, why to enter, how much to enter, how to exit, where to exit, and why to exit?

What should you do if you get the market right? What should you do if you get it wrong? If you don’t understand the market, don’t give yourself problems.

Each of my plans includes three predetermined results: exit with a stop loss, exit with a breakeven, and exit with a profit. Regardless of the result, I will review and summarize the gains of this plan after the plan is completed.

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