#IO #ZKsync空投争议

Don't overestimate any relationship

Not all connections in this world can continue, and not all companionship can last. There are always some people and some feelings that are scattered as they drift away.

The relationship between people is complex and subtle. Sometimes we think that our existence is crucial to others. However, when we find that the other party no longer contacts us or blocks us, doubts arise in our hearts instantly.

We begin to doubt our own value and begin to question our position in the other party's heart. Perhaps, the intimate relationship we originally thought was just the other party's temporary interest and need, but we have always taken it too seriously.

We often overestimate our weight in the hearts of others. We think that our existence is irreplaceable to others, and that our companionship is the only one in others' hearts.

However, when the other party chooses not to contact us or block us, we realize our high expectations and self-righteousness.

The complexity of human nature makes it impossible for us to fully understand the thoughts and motives of others, and it also makes it impossible for us to make accurate judgments.

We must learn to accept such rules and not be too demanding of others' company and care.

Everyone has their own life and choices, and cannot expect others to always be by their side. We must learn to let go, learn to adapt to changes, and learn to grow in loss.

In the journey of life, there will always be people who will leave, and there will always be love that will fade. We must learn to accept this fact and not let loss become a burden that prevents us from moving forward.