There will be a small non-agricultural data release in 2 and a half hours. It is not certain whether the support around 66,300 will work.

Before the CPI and the Fed’s interest rate were announced, I told you that the interest rate would basically remain high for a period of time, and then I told you the so-called scam trend: it would rise first and then fall, completing the long and short double evil.

But when the first picture was released, the point was marked that it could rise to around 70,600. Later, I updated the advanced version of the analysis chart before the announcement, which was to draw a decline to around 69,600. Obviously, as shown in the analysis and chart of San Ma Ge, the first rise to around 69,600 has already undergone a substantial correction, which is completely in line with expectations. #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 $ETH