(1) Do things first

(2) Later name

(3) Mix again

(4) Building personal connections

(Remember not to do it the other way around)

There is a sequence for an ordinary or even low-income person to succeed.

Step 1: Doing Things

You must have your own main battlefield, a craft, a skill that is irreplaceable, and something you can really show off. Only then can you have the first step and the foundation. If you are a lawyer, you must win a few difficult lawsuits. If you are a doctor, you must use your medical skills to prove that you can bring people back to life.

Therefore, people always have to go through a period of loneliness to consolidate what they can "start".


Step 2: Naming

This name refers to reputation and personality. You have to find ways to let others know you, understand you, know what you have done, and understand what you are capable of. What benefits can they get from interacting with you? People in society are all profit-seeking, and it is impossible for them to be open-hearted with an unknown person.


Step 3: Mixing

When you become famous, you have actually left the bottom layer. If you want to continue to climb up, you can't always stay in your own small circle. You have to constantly expand new circles.
The breadth of your circle determines your possibilities, your opportunities, and your upper limit; the depth of your circle's ties with you determines whether you can go further and more easily. And the social reputation and attributes you have accumulated before determine whether your circle will accept you.

A director of a tertiary hospital will have quite a lot of entrepreneur friends, and a famous lawyer can have morning tea with celebrities. This is the siphoning brought by fame and attributes.


Step 4: Network

You can mobilize or even actively provide connections to help you. Those connections lying in your mobile phone and WeChat are not connections. You should use the resources and abilities in your hands to help others, so that the backbone people can help you, and constantly strengthen your connections through the exchange of interests.

Through the people in the circle, you can constantly meet new friends and new connections. If you are still a novice, you can start by learning a skill or specialty, which we call unique skills in the circle, such as copywriting, PS, photography, makeup, etc. You can also be good enough in your job, such as becoming an excellent math teacher. In short, a person's reputation cannot be greater than his ability, otherwise it is very dangerous...