Why do I rarely trade altcoins now?

First, altcoins are relatively less liquid and their market performance lacks sustainability. What's more, the market environment has changed significantly. Looking back at the end of 2022, it was the heyday of narrative trading - I personally experienced the return of Ac, the rise of Link2.0, the release of Ape's pledge, and the liquidation crisis faced by Crv. In the market at that time, concepts such as AI Summer, Hong Kong Narrative, and Ether Staking were repeatedly hyped. I was personally involved in the hype and knew every deal and concept inside out.

But unfortunately, today’s market is no longer as keen on narrative trading as it was in the past. Many transactions have evolved into a pure money game, which involves who controls the funds and how the chips are distributed, and I have no advantage in this regard. There are always some people in the market who have a keen sense of capital or are close to the core capital circle, but unfortunately, I do not belong to this group.

I especially miss the many brilliant narrative traders I met during that period. But sadly, many of them no longer have the endless stream of narratives and derivative trading strategies they once did. Everyone seems to be focusing on the mainstream market instead, and it is difficult to see the kind of flourishing situation in the market.