Summary of the Federal Reserve Committee report:

‎1. 📉🏅 Hint of a single reduction in interest rates during the current year.

‎2. 💪📈 The strength of the American economy and labor market.

‎3. 📈📉 Inflation rates rise despite their slowdown.

4. 💰💼 Raising inflation expectations for the current and next years.

5. 🗳️✅ Unanimous vote (12-0) to fix the interest rate.

‎6. 📊🎯 Modest progress towards the 2% inflation target, with expectations of reaching 2.6% this year.

‎7. 🔻💹 Expect interest rate cuts of

25 basis points in 2024, and 100 basis points in 2025.

8. 📉📈 Four out of 19 officials do not expect to cut interest rates in 2024, seven expect one cut, and eight expect two cuts.#Bitcoin#BTC  #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrencies#Gold #Gold
