The Graph’s Sunrise of Decentralized Data is here 🌅 The hosted service has officially upgraded to The Graph Network, now the exclusive home of The Graph’s data services. Experience web3 data with ultra-fast syncing, reliable uptime, global redundancy and much more – all secured by decentralization. With support for over 50 chains, 6,000+ subgraphs on the network and available to query, and many new developer experience-enhancing features, anyone can easily tap into the network’s best-in-class performance. Thousands of dapps and teams like @aave, @artblocks_io, @Balancer, @SnapshotLabs, @decentraland, @ensdomains, @LidoFinance, @MessariCrypto, @PancakeSwap, and @SushiSwap already rely on the network, which has successfully served billions of high-quality queries per quarter across thousands of subgraphs. The Graph’s decentralized model allows web3 developers to build confidently, knowing they are leveraging a scalable data layer to meet the industry’s growing activity. The future of web3 is built on The Graph.