Why do we have to buy leading coins?

Because with the rise of the big market, the leading coins will rise. If you are not the leading coin,

You may rise a lot sometimes, but their targets are changing.

If you carefully observe the information of everyone in each of your currency circles, you will find that every day someone will say that something has risen several times.

But if you follow it, you will find that many coins,

When others say that other coins have risen several times in the next few days, the previous coins have already fallen back.

You feel that there are such revenge effects every day, but you can't catch any of them. You just caught them.

You don't know when to sell. If you can't sell at the right time, it will either fall back, or you will chase high, or something like that.

Finally, you will find that these are all flowers in the net, moons in the water, and mainstream leaders. Its awesomeness lies in that it will rise with anyone who rises. Although its increase is not that big, it slowly climbs up, it is always climbing up, and it never stops investing. Recently, it is also ambushing a currency that is about to explode. Short-term 30%, I will make it public in my fan club. Just click on the avatar and look at the words under the avatar. You can join us. If you take the initiative to find me, my strategy password. Spot shares with fans for free. #山寨现货布局如何布局 #山寨币热点 #热门推荐