Binance copy trading allows users to automatically replicate the trading strategies of experienced and successful traders on the platform. Here's a brief overview of how it works and what you should know:

1. Platform Access: Binance offers this feature through its main platform or via third-party services integrated with Binance.

2. Selection of Traders: Users can browse through a list of traders, reviewing their performance metrics, risk levels, and trading strategies. This helps in selecting a trader whose style and success rate align with their investment goals.

3. Account Linking: Once a trader is selected, users can link their trading account to the chosen trader’s account. This linking process ensures that any trades executed by the professional trader are mirrored in the user's account.

4. Automation and Monitoring: The copy trading system is automated, meaning trades are copied in real-time without requiring manual intervention. Users can monitor their portfolio and the performance of the copied trades.

5. Customization: Users can typically set parameters such as the amount of capital to allocate to copy trading and risk management settings. This allows some degree of control over how their funds are used.

6. Fees and Costs: There might be fees associated with copy trading, such as performance fees or subscription costs, depending on the platform's terms.

7. Risk Management: Even though copying successful traders can potentially yield good returns, it's essential to understand the risks involved. The past performance of a trader is not always indicative of future results, and there can be losses.

If you're interested in starting with Binance copy trading, make sure to:

- Thoroughly research and understand the trading strategies of the traders you plan to follow.

- Start with a smaller allocation of funds to gauge the performance and risks.

- Regularly review the performance and make adjustments as necessary.

It's also advisable to keep up-to-date with Binance's latest offerings and terms as they can evolve.