Because Binance #web3钱包 launched #Phaver 's NFT airdrop event, I will share with my friends how to register an account and win the Phaver airdrop.

• Download: First, go to the official website to download Phaver App and register. You need to download Phaver from Google Store and install it on your phone. For Apple, you need to download it from the app store. Then click Register and enter the invitation code: ate (you can use my invitation code: ate when registering so that you can get an extra 1,000 points when you reach level 2). Then register with your email address, enter your name, set your avatar, and remember the invitation code ate ate ate

After completing the registration and entering, I have seen many tutorials that do not teach how to set Chinese. Let me tell you how to set it. Setting Chinese will speed up the progress of your task. Find the right side of the + sign at the bottom, click on your avatar, enter your account settings, then click on the small gear in the upper right corner, find setting and click it, then click Language and select Chinese to complete the Chinese setting.

The next step is to complete the task to receive points and SBT: click on 0/1160 to enter the task, then find the "Prove you're human with Anima" at the bottom of the connection, click it and it will jump to connect your wallet to complete the face recognition, and then you can receive an Anima SBT. (This step is recommended to be completed on the computer. After connecting the wallet to the computer, you can use your mobile phone to scan the QR code on the computer and complete the face recognition with the mobile phone. If the computer has a camera, you can directly use the computer to authenticate) Many people asked, when Mint the face nft, it spins in circles, don't worry! Refresh it and the mint will be successful!

• Bind the wallet where you just received sbt to Phaver. Tomorrow you will reach level 2, and then you can apply for Lens Profile and Farcaster ID for free.

After completing these, you will be eligible to receive $social. You can go to the website and enter your name to check your coins. Then, complete all the tasks you can do to add points.

Finally, let's talk about how to claim the NFT on Binance. If the wallet you bind to #Phaver is Little Fox or Old Wallet, just import the mnemonic phrase and claim it in the Binance wallet. If you claim it with a Binance wallet, bind the Binance wallet to Phaver. It will not be displayed immediately after claiming it. You have to wait for about half an hour. When you go to Phaver and refresh your wallet, it will be displayed. The first 100,000 people can get 300$social, so act quickly.

If you still don't understand something, you can join the official DC and communicate there. One-click triple connection. Thank you.