Evening market analysis:

The data at 8:30 pm was positive, and the market rose across the board. On Monday afternoon, all the first and second positions of the Ether and BNB spot orders were profitable. You can exit at your own discretion. Pay attention to the news in the early morning and pay attention to the market fluctuations!

$BTC has now rushed above the daily long and short prices. If it closes above 69500 ​​at 8 am tomorrow, then this wave of daily level correction is over. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 70200-70820-71500.

Pay attention to the 69500 ​​position at night. If it falls back and breaks, pay attention to the lower support level near 68550-67800-66950! #BTC走势预测

$ETH The current rise is still relatively weak. If it continues to rise at night, the upper pressure level/target should be around 3665-3723-3763. As long as it stands above 3723, it will be on the long side!

If it fails to go up and falls back in the early morning, pay attention to the positions around 3575-3540-3500 below! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥