INJ is no longer a stranger to everyone. At the beginning of 2023, the whole market collapsed miserably, then INJ alone led the AI ​​trend. And x10 times since the bottom of January 2023

Up to this point, it has been x29 since that day, there is no doubt that AI is the strongest technology trend in the past 2 years and build-up projects in that direction will attract attention from investors.

🤖🤖The opportunity is not over yet, the good news for everyone is that INJ is not just a project, it is the boss of an entire ecosystem called INJECTIVE - a pioneer in building the best platform for Web3 finance, Let's take a look at some of the top projects in hst INJ


A decentralized exchange (Dex) following the#orderbookmodel, allowing users to perform cross-chain transactions with near-zero gas fees. Outstanding features on Helix

--->Market: Where prices of tokens that can be traded on Helix are displayed

--->Trade: This product from#Helixallows you to trade both spot and futures

--->Liquidity: provide liquidity to the exchange and receive reward

--->Rewards: Helix has rewards for users on every transaction the user makes

🔥2. MYTH

A luanchpad platform on #Injective. In addition to the launchpad product, Mito also provides two basic defi products: swap and liquidity provision.


A#liquidstakingplatform on Injective (a project similar to ETH's Lido) with nearly $120 million in TVL and more than 65 thousand users.

With Hydro, you can stake $INJ tokens and receive a reward with an interest rate of about 15%. After locking, you will receive hINJ which you can later convert back to get back the locked INJ number.

You can still continue to stake the hINJ tokens, the interest rate is about 40%. Simply put, with 1 INJ coin, you can make 2 profits with Hydro.

--->Hydro Protocol is invested directly by Injective Venture Group.


The first native NFT marketplace on the Injective ecosystem. Talis also has its own NFT launchpad.

Two recent NFT collections that launched launchpads on Talis are Injecteria NFTs and SheWolf. NFT is still in its infancy for the INJ system, is not yet strong and needs time to expand.

Those are the top 4 fastest growing projects on INJ. To seize new opportunities, please join INJ holders.